Von Eckermann continues to lead going into FEI Jumping World Cup™ Final day

Apr 19th 2024

Von Eckermann continues to lead going into FEI Jumping World Cup™ Final day

Defending champion Henrik von Eckermann and Swedish compatriot Peder Fredricson held on to the top two places in the standings after finishing first and second, for the second day in a row, at the FEI Jumping World Cup™ Final 2024 last night.

America’s Jill Humphrey and Chromatic BF produced a brilliant performance to finish third, but tragically after returning to his stable the 13-year-old gelding later collapsed and could not be resuscitated. For further details, see the FEI Statement here.

Belgium’s Pieter Devos and Casual DV Z lined up in fourth ahead of French star Julien Epaillard in fifth with Dubai du Cedre, Belgium’s Gregory Wathelet finished sixth with Ace of Hearts and three-time title-holder Germany’s Marcus Ehning filled seventh place with Coolio in this second of the three deciding competitions.

The Final concludes tomorrow (Saturday) with two more rounds of Jumping. Less than a fence separates Von Eckermann from Fredricson when the action resumes, with Epaillard a single fence behind closely followed by America’s Kent Farrington.


FEI Communications



Result Final ll here

Standings after Final ll here



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